Monday, September 15, 2008

20 Dollars and ignatius

I've just noticed that everything in Vancouver costs about 20 dollars. (Well, not everything, but there is a trend towards this)

A good pair of jeans (Cheap!) $20
A great shirt on sale at Zara$20
Entrance to the Vancouver Aquarium $19.99
A good steak meal at any of the fine dining places (at least) $20
A booklet of bus tickets $27
Three pints of Guinness $19.00
Four Frappuccinos at Starbucks $21.50
Two burger meals with drinks at A&W $19.50
A good book from Chapters $5- $30
A bottle of shampoo from Zenkai $20
Manicure at the Nail Spa $25
A tube of facial wash from The Face Shop $20
Nokia Headphones $23.99
Four hours long distance to Tobie's cell from my landline $20
30 minutes long distance from my cell $20
Strawberry Shortcake $18.75
Two Pairs of Shoes from Payless Shoess $22
One pair of shoes from Naturalizer on sale $39
Taxi from my house to downtown $20
Denomination of bills from any atm machine $20

Now, $20 is roughly PhP800. With minumum wage here at $8.50, it would take me, oh, two and a half hours to earn it. (But since I'm making slightly more than minimum wage, it would probably be two hours)

At my old job it would have taken 4 days to earn this amount. Which brings up the point of, if I am earning this much, then why am I broke right now?


Meet my new macbook pro, Ignatius Pro.

1 comment:

Kevin! said...

ooh congrats to the new, uh, momma? :D