Friday, April 24, 2009

Happy Birthday To Me - According to the stars

April 24 Birthday Horoscope

as taken from

If Today is Your Birthday: April 24

The Year Ahead

Forecast for April 2009 to April 2010

With the Solar Return Moon just behind the Sun, this is a year when you are itching to do something new, but you are perhaps unsure about what that "something" is! You are likely closing important projects or "chapters" in your life. If you normally lead an active life with initiating qualities, you may feel quite restless. The year, in a general sense, is best used as a meditative time for inner searching. It is a time for letting go of the past in order to prepare for the new. Although the new is still totally unrecognizable, it is important to allow the necessary surrender to the unknown.

Pluto is transiting trine your Sun this year, and your attitude towards life is changing. What used to satisfy you may not continue to do so, particularly if your goals have been superficial or a poor reflection of your inner desires. You are no longer willing to make compromises in the important areas of your life, particularly with regards to career and your life path. You are more determined this year, and it’s an excellent period in your life for getting rid of bad habits. This is a year in which to get your life back on track, as you have the willpower to do so. Others are bound to recognize your leadership skills and talents, or, at the very least, your potential. You want your life path and your objectives to reflect what you’re really about. You benefit from being more decisive than usual, and your ability to concentrate and focus help you to achieve what you set out to do. A new project or goal begun this year has a good chance of being successful and long-lasting.

Your ambition is stimulated, and achievement is especially important to you. Your willpower is stronger than usual, so it's a great year in which to start a new exercise program, to rid yourself of outworn habits or defeatist attitudes, and for any type of healing program. You feel empowered, and others sense your effectiveness. Jupiter in creative aspect to your Sun helps bring success through positive thinking. A square from the Sun to the North Node of the Moon suggests that it's quite likely that you will be re-evaluating relationships in terms of whether or not they are contributing to your personal growth. With the Moon waning in your Solar Return chart, you are likely closing some of the chapters of your life story this year.

Venus is aligned with Mars in your Solar Return chart, and romantic and creative passions figure strongly this year. New beginnings on the romantic front are likely. If you are not currently in a relationship, you are more likely to make the first move and go after what or who you want. Your affections are strongly stimulated, and you are more acutely aware of your powers of attraction. Romance, love, and sexuality occupy your mind more than usual. You can enjoy an increase in personal magnetism (as well as libido!), but be wary of competitiveness or tension in existing love relationships, as this aspect ignites your passions in general, whether they‘re feelings of love or anger! Now is also a good time to engage in creative projects and to join with others in pursuing a common goal. If you are involved in competition, you could come out a winner.

With Venus in Mars also square Pluto, jealousies are likely part of the picture this year, and are directly related to the fear of losing someone. Something tiny can trigger all sorts of buried emotions, and this can be very revealing! If you find yourself dredging up old hurts, examine the emotional "slush" you've been carrying around with you. Avoid taking it out on your partner or on yourself. The Venus-Pluto aspect can also suggest making a large purchase or payment and having to adjust your spending as a result. With the Mars-Pluto energy, channeled positively, you could move mountains when it comes to pushing your projects ahead. If mishandled, however, you could be argumentative, stressed, and hell-bent on having your way! Avoid taking extreme measures to make things happen your way, and avoid people who might be doing same. Deliberately trying to maneuver things in order to get the upper hand will be a lesson in frustration.

Mercury squares Jupiter and Neptune, and sextiles Uranus. The desire to attach greater meaning to your experiences might lead to a tendency to overstate, promise too much, or to neglect important details when making plans. You are likely to have increased opportunities for travel and/or new learning experiences. You may find more opportunities to attend meetings and other organized group activities, to communicate online, and to take part in activities involving computers, scientific projects, or metaphysics this year. Original, creative ideas are easy to come by this year, but keeping goals realistic and focusing on quality over quantity will be important.

Romantic and creative intensity are big themes this year. Exploring your feelings, and a spirited approach to relating, figure strongly. Especially strong commitment to your goals brings success this year. You are able to conduct yourself with more authority as well as authenticity, and success tends to follow you as a result.

2009 is a Number Three year for you. Ruled by Jupiter. This is a year of sociability. It is a friendly time, when it is easy to enjoy life and other people. Focus is on personal freedom, reaching out to others, making new friends, and exploration. You are more enthusiastic and ready for adventure. It is likely to be a rather lighthearted year, when opportunities for "play" time are greater than usual. It's also a good year for expressing your creativity. Advice - reach out, but avoid scattering your energies.

2010 will be a Number Four year for you. Ruled by Uranus. This is a year of work and development. It's "nose to the grindstone" time. It's a time to deal with practical matters, and it's not a time to be lazy or especially gregarious. Sometimes, it can be a year that feels hard, monotonous and routine, and/or lonely. Positive new relationships are generally not formed in a Four personal year. Advice - get yourself organized, work to build your resources, keep busy.

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